Thinking about pursuing a college degree or certificate?

Whether you're hoping to change careers, gain new skills to prepare for a promotion, or pursue a new passion, it's never too late to return to school.

作为全美排名最高、最实惠的社区大学之一, 十大彩票网赌平台是成人学习者和学生十大彩票网赌平台或返回他们的学习的理想场所. With over 135 programs to choose from, 49 of which are entirely online, 十大彩票网赌平台提供学术卓越和个性化的支持,你需要茁壮成长.

Your Future Starts Now

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The Flexibility You Need, the Community You Deserve

重返校园是件伤脑筋的事——尤其是如果你正在学习新的东西,或者离开很长一段时间后重返校园. But at 十大彩票网赌平台, you’ll never be alone. Our vibrant, 独特的社区充满了所有年龄段的学生,致力于实现他们的教育和职业目标. Over 40% of our students are over age 25, 大多数学生都要平衡学业与全职或兼职工作以及家庭责任. We know that’s a lot of juggling, 因此,我们提供灵活的课程安排,以适应您的生活, including on-line or on-campus programs, including evening and weekend options.


of those attending 十大彩票网赌平台 are age 25 or older




On average, more than 1,每年有300名25岁及以上的成人学习者获得学位或证书

Financial Support to Make Your Educational Goals a Reality

我们相信每个人都应该能够接受高等教育,无论他们的经济资源如何. 这就是为什么十大彩票网赌平台是密歇根州学费最低的学校之一, even for out-of-district and out-of-state students. Plus, 我们致力于帮助你获得经济援助,你需要实现你的教育梦想. 奖学金种类繁多,包括儿童保育奖学金.



Michigan Reconnect

State Expands Reconnect Scholarships for 21-24 Year Olds

For a limited time only, those 21 to 24 are now eligible for Michigan Reconnect! 在华盛顿社区学院获得免学费的学位或证书. Time to apply is limited, but your future doesn't have to be. 向赚更多的钱、找到更好的工作和追求自己的激情打招呼吧.

If you’re a Michigan resident aged 25 or older, you may be eligible for a Michigan Reconnect Scholarship. 这个项目旨在帮助没有学位的成人学习者让他们的教育回到正轨,实现他们的个人和职业目标. 该奖学金为计划在密歇根州公立社区学院攻读副学士学位或技能证书的合格学生支付区内学费. 如果你来自不同的地区,你可能仍然有资格获得十大彩票网赌平台的大幅学费减免.

Get Four Years of College for the Price of One

Interested in earning a bachelor’s? 在十大彩票网赌平台以一年的价格获得学位,三年免费. 密歇根大学转学协议使学生可以轻松地转学到30多所不同的学院和大学, 包括东密歇根大学和密歇根大学. 平均而言,从十大彩票网赌平台十大彩票网赌平台,你可以为你的学位节省超过25,000美元.

Other Financial Resources

Whether or not you’re eligible for Michigan Reconnect, 我们可以帮助你找到奖学金和助学金,以减少你的学位或项目的成本. Since higher education costs don’t end with tuition, 我们还提供免费的在线教科书和学习资源. Since all of us face unexpected challenges at times, 我们的学生资源中心提供紧急食品储藏室,如果你需要的话,可以为你提供额外的社区支持和经济援助.

Learn More About Financial Support at 十大彩票网赌平台

Whatever You Need, We’re Here to Help

We know there’s more to your life than school. 这就是为什么我们提供广泛的资源来帮助你平衡你的职责, make the most of your education, 接受你在课堂内外可能面临的任何挑战.

十大彩票网赌平台的学生十大彩票网赌平台团队致力于帮助您尽可能轻松地重返校园. 我们将指导您完成诸如转移学分和注册课程等过程, help you decide which courses to take, and point you to academic resource centers to help you study. If you enroll in a degree program, 你会得到一位十大彩票网赌平台教练一对一的支持,他会和你一起发展并朝着你的目标前进. Plus, 我们的小班授课意味着你可以随时接触到你的老师, who serve as Faculty Mentors.

Navigating a career transition can be tricky. 十大彩票网赌平台职业十大彩票网赌平台中心为您提供专业发展建议和支持,以充分利用您的新资格. We can help you write a new resumé and cover letter, practice your interview skills, 并将你与实习和合作机会以及潜在的未来雇主联系起来.

As an adult learner, you have a lot on your plate. 十大彩票网赌平台的专业顾问团队可以帮助你解决各种各样的个人挑战. 我们还为与成瘾问题作斗争的学生提供支持小组和会议.
jason franchi

I never thought I would be in this position. 从学术的角度来看,十大彩票网赌平台给了我从未想过的知识和信心. The staff is phenomenal.

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You can tell my instructors love what they do. 如果我们有困难,他们会加倍努力确保我们十大彩票网赌平台. 如果不是因为我在伟大的领导下,我现在不会在这个位置上.

It’s Always Your Time at 十大彩票网赌平台

At 十大彩票网赌平台, there’s no such thing as a “traditional” student. 无论你是第一次进入大学,还是多年后重返校园, we can help you you can find your place—and meet your goals. When you’re ready, we’re here.


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